Saturdays are so very sweet. It is the only day where I do absolutely no work. While I love what I do, I look forward to one day each week of no work email, therapy planning, or IEP writing. Taking one day for myself is my way to relax, recharge, and renew myself so as to better tackle the coming week.

This Saturday started with me sleeping in and then enjoying coffee in my pajamas. Afterwards I went to my salon and got my eyebrows waxed. I may be wierd but I look forward to this everytime. The rest of my errands included going to a bakery to get these:


Returning a shirt to The Limited (yay for $26 credit).

Going to Whole Foods for a few things

Heading to City Girl Farm Coffee for a soy latte. I had a living social deal and went there 2 days in a row


Came home, took a power nap, caught up on Hulu shows, NCIS episodes on DVD, watched the Louisville game and then went to a new restaurant-Simply Thai.


Pictured above (as described on the menu): Suki Haeng- “sweet potato noodles, fresh green vegetables with a slightly sweet miso based sauce with tofu”. I also got some miso soup.

My mom and dad got some good stuff too:
Pad Thai for dad


Pineapple Fried Rice for mom


Finished up with ice cream and more NCIS


P.S. Although this occurred on Sunday, congrats to the CATS. Go UK. Wish I was on campus again right about now.